Younger guests of the Electra Palace Rhodes will definitely enjoy all great things this family-friendly hotel has to offer. You can completely relax knowing that your kids are properly taken care of at all times. The kids club and the well-equipped crèche are run by professional childcare workers from the Worldwide Kids. All staff members are trained, qualified and thoroughly checked before employment, so you have nothing to worry about regarding the safety of your children. Your kids will have their best holiday ever as they will be entertained and do lots of fun stuff while in the hotel. There are many fun activities on offer based on the children`s age group.
Activites include
All of the mentioned activities and options are carefully planned by the professionals and all of them are displayed on weekly schedule of events. Electra Palace Rhodes also offers babysitting services for the smallest guests at additional charge.
The Unicorns, Butterflies and One Dragon Crèche, SummerKnights Kids Club and Electra
Palace Teen Club operate six days per week except on Sundays, from the month of April until
the end of October.
The Unicorns, Butterflies and One Dragon Crèche - accepts children from four
months to four years old and there are numerous animation fun activities, toys for indoor and
outdoor play, and there are many special programs for babies.
The SummerKnights Kids Club -Accepts children from four to eleven years old offering many exciting things like going on ice-
cream trips, swimming lessons and water sports activities, indoor and outdoor playgrounds,
learning arts and crafts, and many more.
The Electra Palace Teen Club - is open for teens above
age of twelve where they can play Nintendo, PlayStation, Darts, Billiards and other games.